This year has certainly been one of transitions for many people. As we have all navigated through the affects of COVID-19, many people have made the transition to working from home and seeing family and friends virtually. Restrictions are slowly being lifted, and many are considering how they transition to seeing their friends and loved ones again. Many hope to slowly begin resuming normal day-to-day activities, like shopping, going to the office, and eating in restaurants.
“I Don’t Love Change”
For those who identify with the statement above, these striking transitions have been very difficult. Some may feel that they have just adjusted to working from home, and now have new adjustments to take on. Some may be surprised that instead of feeling excited, they are feeling trepidation, anxiety, or even anger about being asked to make sizeable life changes again.
How do we navigate these rolling seas of change?
That which we cannot control or change, we can work to accept. It is important to find ways to accept the aspects of life that we cannot change (even when they cause fear or suffering) and commit to a life that is aligned with our values.
Although the lifting of restrictions may cause fear and anxiety for some, it is important to acknowledge these emotions as they are a normal part of the human experience. Accepting that which we cannot change can be incredibly valuable in freeing up our energy. Instead of directing our attention to those life goals that are important to us, and within our control. Figuring out what is personally valuable to you about seeing others again, or returning to the office, will help tolerate the anxiety that comes with it, while also feeling connected to our personal values.
Self Compassion and Communication are Key
During these transitions, self-compassion skills are incredibly important. This means being kind to yourself, no matter what emotions you may be experiencing, and showing yourself care. Remember that your emotions are understandable given these challenging times, and that you are not alone – others are sharing similar experiences. You can also acknowledge and congratulate yourself for stepping outside of your comfort zones, because we know that is not an easy thing to do.
Transitions can also bring up quite a bit of uncertainty, which can lead to more stress. It is important to feel comfortable to ask the questions that you need answered in order to feel safe; whether that is returning to the office, or sitting on a patio. For example, we can ask managers the essential questions to get information about safety, and what the new office normal will look like.
Certainly, these can be challenging times. If you feel that you need more support, it is important to reach out to a psychologist who can help you mange these difficult transitions.
The content of this blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health provider or physician with any questions that you have regarding mental health concerns. If you think you have an emergency, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room.