Dr. Eric Karaoylas, C.Psych. (Supervised Practice)
Psychologist in Supervised Practice
Eric Karaoylas offers diagnostic assessment and therapy for a wide range of psychological difficulties, including depression and anxiety, substance use issues, as well as chronic pain and chronic health conditions. He also supports individuals who are navigating vocational and life transitions, and relational and family issues. He works with both adults and adolescents. Eric’s therapeutic orientations include cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, as well as motivational interviewing and mindfulness-based interventions.
Eric completed his doctoral degree in Clinical and Counselling Psychology at the University of Toronto (OISE). His doctoral research examined the efficacy of a motivational interviewing intervention for emerging adults who are chronic cannabis users and are concerned about their use. Eric completed his clinical predoctoral residency at the Northern Ontario Psychology Internship Consortium (NORPIC), in Thunder Bay, Ontario. His clinical rotations consisted of the following: the chronic pain management program (CPMP); the brief intervention treatment program; and the inpatient mental health rehabilitation program. Eric was also a part-time clinician at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health since 2011, where he has worked in many distinct departments and services as a counsellor/therapist, psychometrist and research coordinator. He also works in the Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program at Ontario Shores.
Dr. Karaoylas is currently supervised by Dr. Kathryn Walker.